PHP 5.6.0 - Changes in this PHP version

12/09/2014 15:27

php web development servicesFrankly speaking, it almost certainly goes without much of saying, that in order to make a particular business website interactive, compelling, safe, and secure, PHP is the best bet. This is one language that comes up with a string of specific characteristics, which makes the website in question, more effective, as well as efficient that makes the difference in attracting new customers and retaining them for a considerable period of time. In fact, here is one language that is the best, the most stable, user-friendly, and cost effective when we speak about creating as well as designing a website. 


PHP, the server-side language that is used for scripting is particularly designed to facilitate web development can also be termed as a general language for programming. Over the years, the language has seen a series of changes as well as improvements. One of the latest in the series is PHP 5.6.0 that has come up with a string of value added features along with a number of backward incompatible changes as well as improvements from the earlier versions.


This new PHP version comes up with Constant Scalar expressions along with a series of variadic functions as well as syntaxes for unpacking argument. This version also features Exponentiation operator, which is nothing but a conventional arithmetic operator that returns various float values if the pair of operarands turns out to be integers, or in any case the strings that are transformed into integers and the numbers are divisible evenly. However, in this case it will return an integer value.


Moreover, the modulus operands are transformed into integers before the processing starts, mainly through a process of getting rid of the decimal part. The new version also comes up with the constants and functional imports with the use of proper keywords. Then there is phpdbg, which will act as a customary interactive as well as integrated debugger Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI.


This interactive PHP debugger on the other hand is implemented as a typical SAPI module. phpdbg is capable of having a comprehensive control over the domain or environment without having any effect whatsoever, on the performance or functionality of the codes. In fact, phpdbg is an extremely lightweight, user-friendly, and a powerful platform for debugging, which is predominantly stepthrough in approach.


In this new version php://input has become reusable, while $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA has now deprecated. php://input basically is a typical read-only stream that is designated to allow the users go through the raw data from a request body. When it comes to POST requests, php://input should be preferably used rather than $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA. This is mainly because it is not dependant on the special directives of php.ini. PHP 5.6.0 also comes up with GMP objects that are equipped to support operator loading mechanism, which in turn helps files that occupy more than 2 GB space to be accepted. Apart from all these, the new PHP edition also has incorporated certain changes that have affected compatibility in a great way.


In the new version, the array keys do not need to be overwritten, when it comes to defining arrays as property of a definite class, through literally any array. In this version, the json_decode() is much stricter when it comes to parsing of JSON syntax. Also, stream wrappers now are capable of verifying by default, the peer certificates, and the host names while using SSL/TLS. Moreover, the GMP resources in the new version can be classified as objects and the Mcrypt functions in the new edition need valid keys as well as IVs. 


So these are the changes that the new avatar of PHP comes up with and which provides the added benefit to the users, apart from the customary benefits that the language offers to the programmers and coders. You can get in touch with a php development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide php website development services. If you would like to hire php developer for your web development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.