Ensuring better data management by integrating MySQL with PHP

11/02/2015 11:40

php application developmentThe combination of PHP as well as MySQL proves to be powerful when it comes to creating dynamic webpages. Such webpages help in interacting with your visitors better. On the other hand, HTML can help to create well formatted and useful webpages. Data can also be collected from the users or created from specific content that is on the fly. There are many things that PHP and MySQL combination can do that HTML alone cannot.

About MySQL

This is one of the most popular as well as widely used open source databases. It offers considerable easiness while using and great amount of reliability. Moreover, there are no costs associated with using this relationable database. In addition, there are several documentations that are available for free. The community created around it is impressive as well as numerous programmers share their codes that are helpful in communicating with this type of database.

About PHP

It is a widely used programming language that has to be used along with HTML. The USP of this langiage is that this can be used directly within the existing HTML content. Besides, the HTML tags can also be included within your custom PHP development coding. While learning PHP there is no need to give up all that you need to know about HTML rather you are simply adding more functions to the existing ones. This is a scripting langauge wherein HTML might be embedded. As a result this langauge is able to execute a number of functions like printing data, work on the numeric calculations as well as create simpel boolean options.

How can these two work together?

Both of them complement each other. PHP is able to collect information while the relational database stores the same data. The former might also develop dynamic calculations while the database will offer with variables that it requires. Similarly this langauge is used to develop a shopping cart for a particular webstore while MySQL is sused to keep all the information like demand receipts, order status and other product related data.

Although both of them are able to also function separately but when the programmers combine them, it opens up a host of new opportunities. With the internet developing bit by bit each day, it is important to deliver more and more dynamic content in order to keep up with the rising demands of the web surfers. The customers are looking for the desired data to be delivered to tham instantly. This is where data has to be managed wisely. To meet this end both MySQL and PHP could be combined.

The scripting language is the final doorway to the database. It works as a sort of midlle man who is armed with several technologies and can transfer the data as required. The programmers, thus, are able to combine these technologies to offer a better user experience to the visitors.

We provide PHP application development services. If you would like hire a certified PHP developer for your web development needs, please visit Mindfire Solutions.