Essential modules in Joomla development
Joomla is a PHP based CMS i.e., content management system. It is one of the best open source content management systems of the industry. It helps in developing quick web applications which are basically content driven. That means we can create a news portal, blugs etc using Joomla. Today we will discuss about some of its important modules and some third party plugins or modules to help the Joomla developers creating interactive web applications. Let us start with some inbuilt modules of Joomla.
Breadcrumbs: As the name suggests breadcrumb is a module in the Joomla CMS which can be used to make the user understand the current location in the web application. While browsing a website, sometimes the user enters into a new environment which may give him an embracing feeling. To prevent the same Joomla PHP developers can integrate the breadcrumb module which will display the status of current web page.
Archived articles: While dealing with a content driven website, the web developer must ensure that all the posts or articles are placed in a systematic manner. We can keep a set of articles or blogs according to their date of publish using a month wise archived directory. We can place this module in the right panel of the website so that the user can browse different articles which are published previously.
Articles- newsflash: This is an extremely important module of Joomla CMS. This module helps in providing a list of latest articles to the user within a specific location. This is extremely helpful if the web developer can give special visual effects to the module like blinking of titles or colour change so that it can be highlighted to the user.
Articles category: PHP developers must use this module in order to differentiate between different types of articles. Assume a website containing a block of articles on sports, entertainment, politics etc. So the user must be given the control to choose his category from the website. In that case articles category module helps in lots of way to provide inter-related articles to the end user. This will improve the user experience as a whole.
Login: This is one of the most vital modules of Joomla CMS while building a content driven web application. The administrator usually tries to e-campaign his website using various methods like e-mail sending, SMS sending and through social networks etc. To achieve the same the PHP developer must build an application which can take the visitors e-mail ID through sign up process. Later on the web administrator can send him up-date mails from his website to attract him to come back to his website. Moreover, it also helps the user to feel like a privileged user.
Menu: Menu is an integral part of any web application. Its importance can never be ignored by any web developer. Menu helps the user to roam around the web application in a hassle free manner. It improves the user experience of the web application.
Most read content: This is one of the vital modules for any content driven website. Because this highlights some of the most visited web pages of the website. This helps the user to stick with the quality content of the web application.
Besides above mentioned modules, there are many in-built and third party plugins and modules which can be used in developing industry standard content driven web applications.
At Mindfire Solutions, we have an expert Joomla Developers team, who have been serving our esteemed clients since over 5 years now. If you have a custom Joomla Development need or need assistance with your PHP Application Development, please feel free to write to us at Sales at MindfireSolutions dot com and we will revert back with a free quote within one business day.