How effective is it to develop mobile app using PHP?
The last decade has seen the world of technology undergoing a huge revolution. There has been development of several new technologies such as responsive websites, dynamic websites, ecommerce websites, mobile websites, web applications and now mobile applications. The tremendous increase in the amount of smartphone usage has made it imperative for companies to tap into this field. Businesses can now provide services as well as products to the customers instantly, on the go. PHP is a famous open source technology and developing the applications in it, makes them safe as well as reliable; not only that, they are extremely cost-effective as well.
Level of effectiveness
Portable as well as easy to develop- The best reason for most web developers to use this software is the fact how easy it is to develop apps by using it. You do not need to learn any new language; in fact the requirement for new tools is also very limited and optional. The platform is combined out of highly portable technologies which are available on both desktops as well as mobile devices.
Deployment- Deployment is absolutely unequalled; you simply have to put the files up on web server which can be done by anybody; there are plenty of options to do that as well. In general app stores, the situation is quite different. There is need to gain approvals, registrations have to be made and in some countries the application’s content may be censored. But these facts are not applicable for applications built through this language. All you need to do is share the URL of the application so that it can be accessed by people soon after its release.
Naturally multi-device- A huge advantage of using PHP for any kind of app development is the fact that it is able to target device varieties better. You can easily target a vast variety of devices with various screen sizes and resolutions, colour depths, font, input methods, operating systems, etc.
Easy maintenance- The maintenance after deployment is actually quite easy. Users do not have to wait for the rolling out of upgrades for all users to be reached; users can immediately take advantage of the bug fixes. This helps cripple out critical bugs along with security issues.
Cost effective- The open source nature of PHP makes it extremely cost effective to be used. In fact, a huge developer community updates the language from across the globe. Thus all the components can be used as well as distributed for free. The overall development cost is reduced naturally. On top of that, despite the free nature, the development’s quality is not compromised.
Security- The core of the language is solid with an extremely secure architecture. Thus when this framework is used for the development of applications, the end result turns out to be extremely safe, stable as well as secure by itself. Their nature is also really robust and they seldom malfunction or crash.
Steps to build mobile applications by using PHP
The first step is using phpMyAdmin to create MySQL Database on a machine.
Now new PHP and Flex Mobile project haves to be created by using the respective wizards. The project files must be stored locally.
Now the Mobile Test Drive Assets have to be downloaded.
TextInput must be added to the ActionBar’s Title Area.
Now Buttons have to be added to the ActionBar’s Action Area.
Fine tune the entire layout by using Spacer Components.
Now the content area of the View should be added with a List Control.
The Component Attributes of MXML have to be changed.
Now the resources of your PHP application development project must be created.
Develop the service.
A PHPUnit Test must be run on the service.
Now introspect and then bind.
API of the component must be viewed.
The Mobile Application can be previewed through Desktop Emulator.
The final as well as very important step is the debugging of the application.
PHP has a lot of power that should make you get excited to use it. Just a few prerequisites along with basic knowledge can help you harness the huge amount of benefits that are offered by the feature-rich language.
If you would like to hire hire php developer for your php website development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.