Is PHP a better choice for larger & complex projects?

31/03/2014 11:02

php application developmentOver the last few years, PHP has turned out to be one of the most popular scripting languages and its popularity seems to increase all the time. The principle reason behind its popularity is the fact the language is extremely easy to be picked up and can be used to design as well as develop customized web pages. This ideally implies that by opting for PHP as the principle implementation language, a user can have the liberty of building a web page that is dynamic, rather quickly as well as easily. 


However, when it comes to dealing with larger projects, it is highly imperative to take certain measures to make PHP development an effective tool for larger as well as more complex projects.


The measure includes:


  • Separating the business logic from the presentation itself

  • Taking the help of individual developer(s) instead of a development team

  • Taking Special care of those areas where the initial simplicity of PHP can make things too much complicated for you


Though PHP at times can create a lot of issues in the case of bigger projects, taking special care in these three aspects can make the scripting language a handy one. 


Separating the business logic from the presentation itself

The websites that are designed nowadays are scripted in such a way their reaction time is minimal when it comes to meeting the changing demands of the market. From the point of view of the developers, this means that they need to alter the contents of the website along with its looks in a seamless way and with minimal effort. This can be done by separating the presentation (which means the site's aesthetic look) from the very logic of the business (which means the activity of the site or what the site is expected to do).


This type of separation will provide an opportunity of engaging two separate development teams – one team, taking up the responsibility of setting up the business logic and the other team, taking up the responsibility of designing. As very few programmers are equally competent in visual designing, this clearly gives a significant edge over the competitors. This is more apparent in case of development of bigger as well as more complex projects with the help of PHP.


Now, let us see the other ways in which any disadvantage that PHP carries with it, can be negated. The principle objective of PHP is combining the HTML that will create the main get up or the look of the site along with the logic that is used to carry out the business. The codes develop the contents of the site, that can easily be derived from a database. Even developers who are not that experienced find this easy to deal with and this makes PHP such an easy language to understand. This makes all the difference even during bigger or more complex projects.


To make sure you can make the most of PHP during development of larger and more complex project, the following checklists should be maintained.


  • The amount of control that needs to be there over deployment platform.

  • The number of people who will be working on the particular site – at present as well as in the future.

  • The size of the site needs to be ascertained in advance and the number of pages needs to be determined alongwith.

  • The life cycle of the page or in other words, how long the page is expected to last? This will determine the extent of changes that the page will undergo and depending upon that, the users can extend the PHP with a suitable templating system.

  • Also, take into account the extent of experience that the developers have, along with the complexity of the site as that will be determining the changes that the site will undergo.


We provide PHP application development services. If you would like to hire PHP developers for your web development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.