Ladder - Things to know about this PHP database migration tool
Are you developing an app without any support from framework in PHP? PHP is a web language which is extremely reliable and popular in the industry. PHP is an open source language and hence there is a tremendous support for PHP developers from the community. When PHP combines with MySQL it becomes a deadly combo for the web developer because he can develop any type and size of web application. Moreover, there are many frameworks available in PHP like cake PHP, zend and laravel etc. These frameworks make the life of the PHP developer much easier with their hilarious features. It helps in keeping track of all types of activities of the developer during the development process. On the other hand, if a PHP project is developed without the support from a framework then the PHP developer will miss the advantages that he would have gained from the framework. In this situation he should take the help of a third party data base migration tool to keep track of each and every activities of the web developer.
Why Database migration tool (Ladder)? When a team of web developers work on a PHP development project without any support from frameworks, there is a chance of data incompatibility among the developers. Sometimes at the middle of the project, we find it necessary to change the schema of a table in the database. In that situation it becomes very difficult to modify the table with all precautions. Moreover while modifying the schema it is necessary to consider the version of the application in order to avoid the compatibility issue. Moreover if one of the team members alters the configuration of the database then it should be visible to all other members and the process should be performed keeping all the versioning issue in mind; because this may lead to crash of the application if a synchronisation is not made among the programs. To avoid this issue a PHP developer should use something just like a SVN to keep track of all the activities of the team members who deal with sensitive data of the database. Ladder is one such database migration tool for PHP and MySQL to keep track of all the database changes made by the developer with detailed information like data and time of modification and it will also prevent unethical modification of the database. It also helps in comparing different modification versions of the database so that in future the PHP developer will not face any trouble while dealing with debugging process of the application.
Importance of Ladder: Ladder is a database migration tool that can help the web developer in creating, running and managing database migration in PHP environment. It is nothing but a PHP class, which has the capability to keep track of all the modification versions on your database. Moreover, it provides support to modify multiple database schemas in an application in one take. Well, though it is instructed to perform multiple modifications in one take; but, it performs the tasks in multiple steps. Moreover, it performs the migration or modification in a sequential manner so that there will be no redundancy error in future.
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