PHP tips to improve your programming skills

02/03/2015 12:37

PHP developmentThe time at which the industry was trembling with Java and .Net applications, PHP come up to the industry to challenge these giants. Moreover, that time JSP and ASP were at their peak stage and hence we can’t ignore the courage of PHP to come up as a challenger in the industry. Anyway, PHP has come up as a winner in latter stage of its life due to its learn-from-mistakes attitude. With every newer version, it becomes even more powerful and efficient. As a result, there are many frameworks get born to support PHP like Zend, Laravel, CakePHP etc. Anyway, today we will discuss few smart features and tips for PHP developers to improve the skill of programming in the industry.

Naming convention is the first step: Well, when a new web developer or PHP developer starts his career in programming; the first and most important thing is to follow Naming convention. As a good software developer, you must follow some basic rules while naming different variables, functions, class, namespace etc. Moreover, you must ensure that these names are meaningful and give adequate hint to understand their basic requirement in the program.

Proper implementation of Session and Cookie: Yes, a good web developer must implement sessions in the application. Session helps in providing continuous service to the user with proper data from database. It also ensures that privacy is maintained from the users prospective. The cookie on the other hand helps in quick web browsing. It stores user’s data in local browser and hence that will definitely help the application to recognize the user and accordingly providing user specific data to the interface.

Avoid unnecessary database connection: This is really an important tip for every web developer including a PHP developer. Sometimes, we find new PHP developers use multiple queries to fetch a set of data to ensure the data availability in the application. This is a terrific problem when you are dealing with some low memory devices like smart phones and tablets. In that case, each and every tiny load on the browser may crash the application. So, you should avoid all nonsense queries in your code to make it more efficient and optimized.

Take the help of modern technologies: As a PHP web developer, you must learn different advanced technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery etc to create enterprise standard web solutions for next generation those are not only attractive but also light weight. Light weight means optimized!! It is an essential part of any modern web application which is supposed to run on different platforms like desktop, laptop, smart phone and tablets. So, you must implement these advanced technologies in your application.

You should learn about Cloud integration: Cloud is a future generation technology. Future is relying on Cloud and so you should!! A good PHP developer is incomplete without being up-to-date. So as a good web developer you must learn different techniques to integrate Cloud in your application. It will definitely bring a smile on the face of your user while roaming within your application.

You can get in touch with a php development company India who can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire php programmer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.