Symfony Framework- A comprehensive review

19/08/2015 17:27

PHP developmentJust like PHP language, Symfony is an open source framework for PHP developers. It aims for high performance and complicated web application development without much effort and resource to be utilized for the development process. Moreover Symfony2 i.e., the subsequent version of Symfony is an open source framework with all amenities that a developer use to get at the cost of a high premium. Being an open source framework, it enables the developers to take the advantages in the form of quality, reliability and security etc. Imagine a software application or framework being developed by a team of hundred members and another framework being developed by a community of millions of developers – then the quality of community driven software application will definitely better than that of its counterpart and the same happens with Symfony2. There is a huge community of Symfony developers who spend their quality effort in developing better and even better framework by fixing each and every bug without any delay. This will definitely improve the quality and security of any open source framework just like Symfony2. Apart from this, due to the availability of source code, a Symfony developer can get the freedom to modify the source code for better flexibility and customisation offerings. What is more? The core of Symfony(2) is highly optimized and hence popular in the industry for developing enterprise standard large scale web applications with minimal effort”.

Features that will mesmerize you definitely! Symfony2, an open source framework for PHP developers is highly motivated to develop enterprise standard web solutions that are not only efficient but also feature loaded. IT industry takes Symfony2 as a tool for high performance and large scale web solution development process. Being an efficient framework it reduces the development time and overhead in a magical manner. Symfony2 is a native PHP5 framework and hence it enables PHP developers to take every possible advantage of PHP5. Symfony2 has an inbuilt testing feature to perform different types of testing operations by the developer during the development process itself. It reduces the overall cost of production of any web application to a large extent. Symfony2 is highly decoupled and hence it enables the developer for prompt unit testing of the application through smaller pieces of modules and components. In fact, PHPUnit is there for standard testing purpose. The list is not yet ended; PHP5 has inbuilt debugging features which is extremely funny and productive for the developer. The native debugger is an outstanding feature of Symfony2.

Scalable app development- Symfony2 is here! Symfony2 follows MVC Architecture which is an enterprise level efficient, trusted and tested design for the web industry. With the MVC Architecture it keeps the core logic section of the application isolated from the view through an intermediate controller. Basically MVC Architecture i.e., model view controller architecture is meant for high performance and efficient web application development in less time without any need of more resources and hence it becomes a cost cutting technology for the industry. The model keeps all the data including tables and database that are associated with the application where as the view only renders the final HTML content brought from the model through the controller or analyser of this structure. Any modification in the model will directly affect the entire application and hence it eliminates iterative codes to be executed or modified by the Symfony2 PHP developer. It is highly preferred for scalable software application development.

Efficiency, productivity and reliability from Symfony2: Symfony2 provides outstanding cache management tools and techniques for the web developer to control each and every byte of memory of the application. Considering the fact that there is a tremendous potential for mobile web users, we can’t ignore mobile website development to sustain in the market with more customer base. The improved cache management feature of Symfony enables the web developer in producing highly optimised and efficient websites on the fly. On the other hand, the ease of use and customisation feature of Symfony makes the developer more productive than before. A PHP developer can write better and well maintainable codes on the Symfony2 IDE. It helps in decreasing the overall cost of development and maintenance of a web application to a significant level. The powerful features and components of Symfony helps in developing high quality performance oriented reliable web application development. The inbuilt testing tools and techniques along with native debugger can turnout as a magical reliable tool for the developer.

Symfony2 is highly flexible with support for plug-ins: Every framework has many in built functions, libraries, modules and classes for quick and optimised application development and so the case for Symfony. These features and tools helps in improving the customisation options of an application so that we can end up with an outstanding and attractive website that is fortunately a feature loaded one. Besides inbuilt tools and components, it also offers freedom to the Symfony PHP developer to integrate third party software tools and plug-ins for enhanced user experience. There are millions of external resources available and we can integrate them in our website to give it modern look and feel. jQuery plug-ins and twitter bootstrap micro framework can also be integrated with Symfony for improving potential in developing marvellous web applications.

With jQuery mobile, it can give you better mileage: Symfony2 is jQuery mobile compatible. jQuery mobile is a framework for developing smart sites intended for smart phones and tablets of the industry. It is highly optimised and light weight due to the adoption of HTML5 and CSS3 as the core scripting technology of the framework along with all-time developer’s favourite jQuery. It enables a Symfony developer in developing cross platform and cross browser compatible web application development for Android, iOS, windows and Blackberry operating systems etc. It has inbuilt themes that allow quick mobile website development. Due to HTML5 and CSS3 and powered by AJAX technology, it helps in creating attractive and interactive dynamic and asynchronous mobile websites for outstanding user experience.

Never be alone! Symfony2 is a trusted and tested brand of the industry and having an outstanding track record in developing scalable websites since its inception. No doubt it is a magnificent piece and having a strong developer community around the globe. So you will never feel alone while developing a large scale or light weight mobile application using Symfony platform during any moment of the development phase.

At Mindfire Solutions, we have dedicated developer teams for almost all major PHP Frameworks. We have been providing expert PHP development services to our clients for more than 10 years now and have executed over 100 projects in various PHP and PHP Frameworks. Please feel free to contact us if you have any custom application development requirement, our senior CakePHP, Zend, CodeIgniter, Symfony developers will love to assist you in your requirement.