Why is MySQL considered a partner of PHP?
We have landed in the web era: Hey guys, am I mistaking!! I hope no. Managing our day-to-day task in the desktop is gone and now it’s time to organize our life on the cloud. Who needs that heavy desktop for just a small calculation which we can be performed in our iPhone and can be kept inside our chest pocket? Everything is now online may it be message service (chatting, e-mail and sms), organising our life and business using software like file maker and bento etc. Organisations also love to use web services more than that of desktop applications which is rigid and irritating. So everything is depending on the wireless internet connectivity. Understanding the situation many software firms including offshore software development organisations are now tensed to build modern web applications for the industry. There is an adrenal rushing in their vein to build more and more web applications by the web developers.
PHP a perfect web language: In this situation if anything has received tremendous support from the web developers then that is none other than PHP development. Being one of the web languages, PHP received a tremendous popularity among the developers in building modern enterprise standard web applications. One can start his web development process now with PHP by just studying some tutorials on the web. PHP is extremely easy to learn and develop web applications for the new web developers of the industry. Hence PHP is treated as the main gate to enter into the IT industry by the web developers in less effort and small time.
PHP is a dead concept without MySQL and the combo becomes deadly for sure: When we think about PHP the first word comes to our mind is open source. Yes PHP is an open source language and hence a PHP developer can modify the source code of the language. Due to open source in nature we can start using it for developing our own web application without any bucks to invest. This makes it first choice for the beginners to kick start their carrier in web development. But, any server side language like PHP is incomplete or we can say dead without a database support. Fortunately, MySQL has similar nature to that of PHP. My SQL is also an open source database service. Hence we can develop a complete web application using both PHP and MySQL without any investment. This is really like a boon for the web developers or PHP developers to start their website development from the day one with this open source language – database deadly combo.
PHP and MySQL for modern web development: Both PHP and MySQL when get together results in an enterprise standard web application which is not only superfast but also efficient. Due to low start-up cost, many offshore software development farms and their clients love to develop industry standard web application in less time, money and effort. Most importantly, we can develop modern web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and dynamic java script in addition to PHP MySQL for different platforms and devices. Of course we needn’t to say, the web developers (PHP developers) can also build responsive web applications using these technologies for modern smart phones and tablets.
Industry respects this couple: Industry also understands and hence respects the strong intangible relation between PHP and MySQL. Hence, they are giving away gifts like wordpress, zend framework etc to the web developers.
We provide PHP web development services. If you would like to hire PHP developers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.