Why PHP 6 for Enterprise Level Web Development?
The development as well as evolution of languages is but very natural and PHP 6 is the representation of the language's development as well as growth. PHP 4 or PHP 5 had nothing fundamentally wrong but with PHP 6 some issues that were plaguing the language have been sorted, making the language a lot more user-friendly. With respect to many aspects this version has been like cleanup release. The improved language now features a robustness and ease of use that draws the programmers to it, making it ideal for web development at the enterprise level. Some of the features that make it so functional are given below:
Unicode support- While creating websites, character encoding is something that we hardly think about. The only decision that has to be taken is the way to tell user agent about the encoding used and even this is quite simple enough to do. But while building applications, character encoding becomes a problem and here the Unicode support helps a lot. This enables the language to encode and decode automatically the output and input of script which ensures that both user agent along with database receives the encoding needed but without any additional functions for encoding conversion.
Cleaning up the act- In this version a lot of bugs as well as errors have been taken care of which had previously resulted in problems like security holes and slow scripts. Functions like safe_mode, register_globals and magic_quotes have been take care of. In PHP 6, these features have disappeared; many programmers have breathed a sigh of relief with this. Super globals had some long versions such as $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS and register_long_arrays which have disappeared. The mode dealing with PHP 5 classes' backwards compatibility zend.ze1_compatibility_mode has been taken care of as well.
OO functionality- OO model has been improved a lot which can be said to be this version's biggest improvement. The previous version had improved tremendously and this version just carries this improvement further forward with the addition of namespaces. Those familiar with C++ or XML namespaces have ideas regarding the working of namespaces. These actually provide a method to avoid name collisions among classes and functions but without the use of prefixes for the naming. Objects, variables or functions are grouped under a specific name by this so that class names can be used by developers without any problems despite the fact that the particular name may be used by somebody else multiple times.
Alternative PHP Cache- An application's performance can be improved immensely through caching which speaks for the huge demand for excellent opcode cache in PHP default distribution. With demand there are people to cater to it, resulting in APC or Alternative PHP Cache. This was available already sometime back but this extension has now been included in the core for default caching framework.
Further miscellaneous changes to extensions- Basically PHP can be said to be an aggregation of extensions and whatever form we have; in fact, it consists of all of that put together. These extensions however, change and with that the collection does as well. PHP 6 will follow in the footsteps of PHP 5.1, boasting of a great combination of XML Writer extension for writing of XML files and XML Reader enabled in its core distribution. This will allow people to work easily with XML files.
Dismissal of the library of ereg regular expressions is another change carried on in core distribution. Instead this has been made an extension. The previous functionality of ereg lied in being PCRE's competitor but due to some problems it has been removed from core, making it an extension instead.
Some other new changes have been introduced to the language. Basically huge feature updates have not been followed through but majorly a lot of glitches have been eradicated which has made this language an easy tool to work with for most application as well as website developers. In fact, websites of some of the industry giants are run on PHP, making it all the more an attractive platform for development. You can hire developers from top php application development companies in India who can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide php web development services. If you would like to discuss with a certified php developer from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.