Zend Framework - Is it the best that PHP has till date?

25/12/2014 12:24

PHP development servicesIn the present times, having a strong presence on the web is mandatory for every business to be successful in their ventures. In the midst of technological revolution, web development has become very important. The role of internet in enhancing the business prospects cannot be undermined. Organizations are now aware of the need to harness the power of the internet by building a strong website that goes a long way in providing the firm with an important mode of communication with customers besides imparting an online identity to the same.

Zend framework stands out as one of the most popular and strong frameworks that PHP provides to its users. It is based on the common design pattern of Model View Controller (MVC). It is an open source framework that is used for developing web applications and services. Often referred to as the best framework that PHP has to offer, Zend comes with a simple as well as a unique structure of its components that is less reliant on one another. Therefore, it has the potential to help developers in making individual use of each component.

The features that are loaded in Zend add another dimension to web development while taking it to the next level. The flexible architecture facilitates building of interactive web services and applications without exerting any extra effort. There are several factors that contribute in making Zend as one of the best frameworks that PHP has to offer till date.

Loosely coupled components

With the loosely coupled components, it becomes easier for the developer to change a particular component without affecting others. The data model, application logic as well as UI are all separated from one another which lead to the components undergoing minor changes when one of them is altered. This proves to be highly beneficial not only during working on the project but also in future.

MVC Components

Each object in its library is entirely object oriented and comply with the E_STRICT set standards. Moreover, owing to the loosely connected or coupled components in the MVC, there is minimal interdependency that leads to easy building of web apps that are customized with the help of the web services of Zend PHP.

Basically, Zend framework has been created for building strong web 2.0 applications and services. Thus, it is capable of providing unparalleled dependability along with excellent security.

Model View Controller framework

The modular Model View Controller framework of Zend helps in separating user interface from business logic. This goes a long way in certifying that Zend stands as the best framework so far with respect to the development of web applications.

Supports various databases

Another stronghold for this framework is that it supports different database systems as well as vendors, such as, Maria DB, MySQL, SQL Server, Post GreSQL, IBM DB2 and SQLite.

High performance

As compared to other frameworks of PHP, Zend offers to its users with a high performance as well as a strong MVC implementation along with a database that is abstract and simple to be used with respect to development of PHP Zend. This makes it easy for web developers to promote the best practices related to PHP community. In this regard, it is important to note that Presentation logic is kept separately from core Application logic which results in simultaneous completion of the application.


A large number of support communities promoting active development as well as hundreds of APIs are associated with the detailed documentation of the same for fulfilling various Functional, Technical and Business requirements.


With respect to vastness, Zend is unparalleled. There are 64 components while writing in Zend framework and to add further the number is in steady growth. This makes the framework take the form of a vast and huge library.


From the perspective of quality, the framework is highly active as it pays much focus to the code’s quality. It, thus, follows the best practices of the industry. It makes adequate use of design patterns that are object oriented. The components in it can be extended and are tested through PHPUnit. Moreover, with the help of a continuous integrating server, it offers the provision for a testing component.


Organizations find the protection of their code easier with the help of the Zend Framework License and the BSD License. The open source framework of PHP leads businesses to have absolute control on their code. Subsequently, this leads to the protection of the right to intellectual property and security of the same.

Zend has, thus, been of sound help to developers across the globe with enough features, security options along with other protective tools in order to meet the requirement of both small as well as large business organizations. With several readymade solutions to offer to the developers, the Zend framework significantly reduces the time consumed in making new developments. You can hire developers from a PHP development company, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire PHP developer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions