Top Benefits of PHP Agavi Framework

PHP frameworks streamline the development of web applications written in PHP by providing MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. Where the Model refers to data, View to the presentation layer and Controller to the application or business logic, this makes coding in PHP faster and less complex, as each of them works separately without affecting other operations. A framework prompts a developer to write good code, adds structure to the code, and makes it more readable and maintainable. In addition, a framework makes programming easier, by converting complex operations into simple ones.

php application development

Today PHP frameworks play a major role in designing customized web applications by enhancing the general format of PHP coding for the development of web applications. The latest important news revolving around PHP forums is that it’s expanding the PHP frameworks, to cater the needs of web-based applications and their development gets easier. Additionally these frameworks allow web programmers to reuse the developed code and create a stabilized and dynamic web content, which is liked by all. Some of the important frameworks used these days are Agavi, Smarty PHP, Prado, Zend Framework, Symfony, Cake-PHP, Yii and Solar.


The main benefits of using a PHP framework are as follows:

  • Code Re-use
  • Saves time and effort
  • Access to services API’s
  • Community forums
  • Easy plugin creation


Agavi is a new framework which helps programmers to write clean, maintainable and extensible code. It is the latest PHP5 web application framework started with the famous Mojavi project. This framework is a great way to save time and effort on software projects; the pre-built modules perform tedious coding tasks and open a great way to learn about good coding practice. Agavi produces full-fledged applications with the website construction kit.


This is an Open Source framework supporting some of the important features such as web services, internationalization and heavy focus on code modularity and reusability. It is search engine optimization friendly. Agavi methods solve application-specific problems such as maintaining customer databases and sending promotional emails to customers. Any application may be implemented entirely inside a single Model or across dozens of Models that represent various areas of software. Some Models act as wrappers for external libraries and even other applications or interfaces.


Benefits Agavi Framework

  • State management: There are a lot of states in the web application process that needs to be maintained. Agavi framework makes life very easy for programmers by allowing them to manage and control the entire state of the application.

  • Generalizing Queries: Without databases no web applications can be developed ever. With PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite any dynamic websites can be created apart from generating queries. This framework supports various databases.

  • Form Handling: Agavi Framework can help in situations when some wrong data is entered in the form and the database displays an error. With its help the chances of errors get reduced as the framework will check everything and even the debugging of errors become simpler.

  • Code generation: The entire data can be handled while creating a database. A code generator can be utilized for the database and the framework should create forms which are to be used for data entry.

  • AJAX: It stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is not new but is one of the most desired web 2.0 powered websites. Usually it takes lot of time to write down the functions with AJAX but with the help of Agavi framework, the entire process becomes easier.


Developers get added benefits using this framework - it gives the ability to build complex websites quickly and easily. Repeated coding is avoided using this framework which has inbuilt core library, where coding gets lighter as compared to the traditional way of PHP coding. It has its own specific debugging methodologies such as Session and cookie Handling, Pagination, Form Validation, Input/output, Database Abstraction, , Email, Calendar etc. the Agavi framework offers the best built-in tools to make work easier, quicker and built securely.


With this framework, most of the work can be done automatically. 3rd party libraries are used all the time for every new project because most of them will come with the default framework install. It fixes things automatically using this modern framework which are great with dynamic loading, where they load code only as needed. Different page requests can be loaded with different amount of library code based on what needs to be used. Developers can have fun using this framework making life easy and deploy classy apps implementing cool new things with new customized features. And no doubt that Frameworks are cool and hot today, used for developing and deploying rich business applications. So why not take their advantage and meet best business needs. PHP application development teams can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.


We provide php development services. If you would like to discuss with a certified php developer from our team, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.